Some of the live work Key has been keeping himself busy with. Thanks to anyone who came and watched any of this. There’ll be more too.
solo stuff.
Key going on about a fantastical date. Costume changes, films (by JVT), poems about thwarted romances. Scored by Tariverdiev. My dad’s favourite.
The dancing show. Bed on the stage, twenty minutes in dancer emerged, had a dance, disappeared. Then lots of poems and a story about Anne Hathaway.
Masterslut. 2013.
A hymn to baths basically. Smutty playing cards, diving into the tub, dripping onto the mic, that sort of thing.
Chrimbo bimbo. 2010-
An annualish Christmas show. It’s been wobbling along since about 2010 or something, with a few years off here and there and the occasional name change. Christmas poems. Mulled wine. Poor stuff.
Poetry, film, shambles. Carried a conductor’s baton throughout. Nice big scar in the poster. Won the Edinburgh Comedy Award with it lol.
The slut in the hut. 2007.
The first poetry show. First collaboration with The Invisible Dot. Not the finished article at this stage. Few walk-outs to be fair. Some lovely stuff, trying to work out how to do it. Just thinking about those walkouts again. Chilling actually.
Luke and stella. 2004.
My first solo show. A play. I can’t find it any more. Stefan Golaszewski directed it. 1000 people saw it.
With others stuff.
ART. 2016.
This is a play I did at The Old Vic in 2016. It was bloody hard actually but also an amazing experience, I was lucky to be chosen for the job. Rufus Sewell and Paul Ritter are, to be fair, phenomenal actors.
TREE. 2014.
This is a play I did with Daniel Kitson in about 2014. It was a lot of fun even though Daniel’s not one of the great drinkers. Once we he had half a shandy that maybe had a teaspoon of beer in it and the rest lemonade and then he lied down across three seats.
we need answers. 2010.
Drunken, midnight, mucky mayhem show in Edinburgh. Quite amazingly got picked up by TV. The live one was something else though, trust me. Mark drank a lot of red wine to be fair to the guy.
party. 2009.
One of the great plays. Written by Tom Basden back in the day, it’s about five clueless plonkerellis who start a political party in their shed. Also a lot of fun to do. Directed by the great Phillip Breen, too. Transformed into a radio show in the end, again penned by Basden’s industrious hand.
freeze. 2005-
Slapdash double-act with Tom Basden. Unpredictable as to when it occurs. Usually starts with the same sketch. On hold, but we’re not done.
cowards. 2005-2010.
One of the greats. Basden, Key, Golaszewski, Woolf. The times of all. Hen & Chickens/Pleasance Attic axis. Where we learned to write.
Making fish laugh. 2003.
Alex Horne used to have me in his shows working the acetates, and I’d also get a mic so I could throw in zingers. We still work together and recently went to the pub together and it was a riot.