Tim Key’s Poetical Playing Cards - designed by crafty Ink Lady Emily Juniper - are available to buy HERE.
Key and Emily Juniper went and had a breakfast in an Indian restaurant in September 2019. Within the naans they resolved to make a deck of playing cards. Key would write the words, Emily Juniper would make them look nice. After some back and forth and some discussions with printing machines and box-makers the cards were manufactured in December 2019, they made 750 initially, then in February they made another thousand, and then they made some more. You can buy them and play poker with them, or frame them, or send them back. They are very handsome and are obdurate enough to slice the naans around which they were concieved. Key and Emily Juniper now have all their important breakfast meetings in the Indian restaurant.
a review of the cards.
Here is a review of the cards, which we were very pleased with. It was written by Key and of course designed by Emily Juniper, and it’s fine to write a review of your own cards.